Community Investment
Our team makes a positive impact in the communities where we live, work and play. We want to partner with organizations that can help us find social, economic and environmental solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.
Our team makes a positive impact in the communities where we live, work and play. We want to partner with organizations that can help us find social, economic and environmental solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.
We have four priority
areas that we support:

We have four priority areas that we support:

Interested in teaming up with us?
We are seeking opportunities that align to our business interests and four priority areas, and meet the following criteria:
To registered charities and community group activities.
In support of community activities and events aligned with our priority areas.
Time and Resources:
Enhance staff may participate in community events, chambers of commerce and rural business development activities, educational opportunities for youth and communities.
Ready to apply?
Fill out an application form and send it to [email protected].
Read our stories of
community impact:
Hamlet of Haynes gets a new playground
Enhance staff members spend the day in Haynes, Alberta building a new community playground
Lessons learned from the True Reconcili-ACTION Conference
Enhance Energy sponsored and attended the event as part of its commitment to pursuing engagement opportunities with Indigenous Peoples and communities.
Enhance helps the Stettler Air Cadets take flight
Enhance donated a refurbished computer to help the Stettler Cadets restore the vintage Dreamflyer.