Mirror Library thriving one year after needing critical building repairs

Mirror, Alberta – April 15, 2024
In the spring of 2023 the local library in Mirror, Alberta found themselves in a trying situation. The building’s heating system, which had previously undergone multiple repairs, quit working.
Unlike many libraries in the province, the Mirror Library is not part of a regional system. That means they don’t have access to pooled resources that can help offset some of their costs. Instead, a non-profit organization called Friends of the Mirror Library Society helps with operations by engaging in year-round fundraising.
“The timing of the breakdown was unfortunate. Our grant deadlines had passed, and the Society was faced with a large maintenance bill to complete the repairs,” said Brenda Knight, a councillor in Lacombe who sits on the Library’s Board of Directors. “So, we decided to reach out to our community for help”.
The Society began reaching out to businesses in the community and surrounding areas with a goal of raising $14,000. Enhance was one of the companies that stepped forward, contributing $1,000 to help them successfully achieve their goal and install a new boiler before the winter months.
Since then, Councillor Knight has noticed community members taking a renewed sense of pride in their library.
“If there’s a silver lining to all of this, I think it raised awareness of the library and its services. We’ve seen increased use and new patrons coming through the door,” she said. “Libraries are evolving beyond just lending, they also serve as a social hub for communities. It’s encouraging to see that happening here.”
The Mirror Library offers a range of programs and services for all ages, including their Stay & Play program, book fairs, public wi-fi, and a recent partnership with the Lacombe and Area Family Resource Network to expand into community wellness. To learn how you can support the library, visit their Facebook page.
Enhance’s support of the Mirror Library is part of our community investment strategy aimed at making positive contributions to the places we live, work, and play.