Enhance helps the Stettler Air Cadets take flight

Calgary, Alberta – November 30, 2023
The Enhance Energy Team is passionate about technology, youth empowerment, and energizing rural communities. That’s why when the Air Cadets Squadron in Stettler, Alberta needed a new flight simulator, Enhance was delighted to help.
Teaching leadership and technology skills
In the early days of World War II, Canada was searching for innovative ways to use aviation technology and upskill its military forces. In 1941, the Royal Canadian Air Cadets was established to train and encourage young men to participate in the war effort. Today, Air Cadets is equipping young people of all genders and abilities with leadership and technology skills for the future.
“Air Cadets is one of the most accessible youth programs out there. It’s a safe place for youth with financial, physical, or social challenges, and there’s no cost to participants” said Scott Roenspies, Training Officer for the Stettler Air Cadets in Stettler, AB. “We teach positive self-image, teamwork, responsibility, and discipline.”
Roenspies is also a Foreman at Enhance Energy and credits his current job to his teenage training as a cadet. “Air Cadets taught me leadership and self-confidence. Without that I would not be where I am today, working for Enhance,” said Roenspies.
Restoring the “Dreamflyer”
One of the key tools that cadets use is the “Dreamflyer,” a vintage flight simulator that builds cadets’ confidence and teaches them basic aviation skills.
Unfortunately, the Stettler Air Cadets were not immune to the challenges faced by many organizations during COIVD-19, including staff shortages and funding cuts. That meant the squadron could no longer afford to replace the most important piece of their Dreamflyer simulator, the computer. Last year, Roenspies reached out to Enhance to see if his company had a second-hand computer the Cadets could use.
“We knew how important the computer was to Scott and the Stettler Cadets,” explains Candice Paton, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Enhance. “It was a no-brainer for us to provide technology that would support youth in our community.”
Enhance donated a refurbished computer to help the Stettler Cadets restore the vintage Dreamflyer. It was a small step that made a big difference for this local squadron, and the future of their cadets.
“You might ask, ‘What do Enhance Energy and Cadets have in common?’” said Roenspies. “Cadets develop youth into leaders in technology and innovation. Our Stettler Cadets will be shining lights in the workforce that bring companies like Enhance into the future.”